Beermoney Balances
The chrome extension to track your beermoney


Beermoney balances takes the hassle out of checking on all the different survey sites you use to keep track of your earnings. Every time you visit a page which shows your balance the extension will record it. Then all you need to do is click the icon and you can see all your balances in one place.

Because BMB operates as an extension it doesn't need any of your credentials, keeping your earnings secure. Your balance history is stored locally in your browser so you can see your history even when offline. You can even export your balances for use elsewhere.

You can find more information in the FAQ


On top of keeping your balances in one place BMB lets you graph your earnings over time and compare between sites to see which are most profitable. There's also a quick update button to get the latest balance without having to open the page yourself.

BMB also allows you to do automatic updates. You set the time period and BMB will automatically visit the page and check your balance. You can couple this with the notification ability to get updates any time your passive apps stop earning money. If there are any other features you're interested in seeing then please let me know


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